These are repainted versions of Viper, Alley Viper, Big Ben, and Mirage from wave 1.5. Hasbro is releasing these as army builders. The general thing said is that these are just packing for the new wave to even the shipment out. Either way we have more versions to create new divisions for Cobra!
Alley Viper has been repainted with all his blue from wave 1.5 being done in red. He looks like a commanding officer for the blue guys to me. His mask sheild is black for some reason. All weapons are the same.
Big Ben has been repainted with a sky blue shirt and tan paints. All weapons are the same.
Mirage is repainted in lighter colors. That's really about the only difference here. All weapons are the same.
Viper is repainted in a really great color scheme. Next to the original, this is the best one yet. Some might argue that the Crimson Vipers are the best, but I think everyone's more in favor of this black and blue version. If it wasn't for the reused BAT waist that gives the Viper a flat backside, I might would army build myself!
I'll give these repaints 6 1/2 Cobras as a whole. It's a nice effort getting more troopers out there, but it would have been even better to have seen these as new versions of these characters.